Thursday, October 23, 2008

cute or weird

Me: How long has the green tea tin been on your table?
You: I think more then a year.
Me: I think you should throw it away, it must have expired.
You: But I like to have something green to look at.
Me: ……..

Me: Ok. I think I know where Carrefour is already. But you think I should take the MRT there or just take a cab.
You: Hmm……….(long pause) I think you should take the MRT, cause there is a lot of turning on the way there. If you take the cab then you might get car sick.
Me: …….. (speechless again)

Me: So what do you think of this apartment?
You: Hmm……… ( long pause again…deep in thought) Did you notice all your window are grilled?
Me: So?
You: So, if there is fire, then its gonna be hard to escape. Their fire escape route is not very good. But its ok, I analyzed already, if there is fire, you just run towards your left.
Me: Geee…. Thanks
You: Your welcome
Me: ………….

Me: The Thailand lawyer are not gonna reply today cause it’s a public holiday today in Thai.
You: WHAT???? WHY??? WHY????
Me: Er… its not that urgent right the matter?
Me: But u had a public holiday last week n u came back to office n work, so what different does it make?
You: ………….. I want to go make coffee.

Me: So, both of you like share the same the coat?
You: No. That is not my coat. Its his.
Me: Then why does he hang it in your room?
You: I dunno. Hmm… I never asked him before.
Me: ……….


Julia said...

Babe, he's so funny.

my take - more cute than weird.
but.. it may get on ur nerves eh??

Tania said...

haha... i dunno... just that he leaves me so speechless sometime...

but he is so sweet yesterday... he gave me some godiva chocolate!! lol but i thought it was weird that a guy will go n buy godiva just for himself cause he felt like it hmmmmm.........