Yes. I am bloging in office now. Its just one of those days, where you still have work all pile up and yet, you just can’t bring yourself to do any of it. And I’m sitting here, with my sucky Nescafe coffee (there goes my dealership with Nescafe) and thinking, how is all this happening?
I dunno, maybe I made some wrong decision in life, maybe things are just not meant to be, or maybe I just need better coffee.
If there is one thing I can wish for now, I wish for the ability to stop time. Maybe I need that, to just stop the time so I can breath for a while, rather just gasping for air every second. I need to breath again.
I think I should start going to church. I need some kind of sanctuary, some kind of higher power to tell me that everything is meant to be, or even better, tell me that everything is taken care of. Probably all the wrong reasons to go to church, but I suppose there is never a right or wrong reason to go to church, there are just reasons.
My coffee is getting colder. This probably is the most random blog ever. I used to tailor every single of my blog before I post it, but now I’m just typing as everything that is coming out of my head. My supplier told me today that he always advise people to think with their head not heart, so that we will make less mistake. I think its true. Heart is just another organ of the body, which doesn’t have the ability to think nor analyze. But, y when a wrong decision is made, the heart hurts the most??
Clock is at 3:40 pm. Every second is like eternity, but every hour is like a flash light. Ironic. I can’t stop thinking about you. Its not that I still miss you, but I dunno why your face keeps on appear. Maybe it’s the red sweater I threw out yesterday. Maybe it’s the guilt. Maybe I’m such a good liar.
Random. I think it will be the best topic for this blog.
I remember lying on the bed, as the night falls, I’m thinking, what happened? How can I be so wrong? Why? How? When? What? As the darkness blinding me…
It just one of those days….
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
The hardest part in loosing a love one is that, sometime you tend to forget that u loose that person. And you pass by each day like nothing has chnage. Then suddenly, maybe it was a song, a movie, a book, a watch, or even a car, just remind you and hit you so hard, and you have to go through the pain, the agony, the heartache and to deal with the cruel reality again, that someone you love so much is no longer with you anymore....
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Only Lonely - 给fei yong,你不会一辈子的孤单!
only lonely- SHE
都怪我話不太會說 不能逗妳開心
一個人Shopping 就覺得寂寞
別人都在戀愛 You're only lonely
那你說我該怎麼辦 You're only lonely
求求你 睜開眼睛 看看這個世界
又不是全部 都一對一對
我們 心地善良 又有品味 又沒犯罪
又沒偷竊 健康檢查 完全OK
打開皮夾 ya卡又一堆
只不過是 沒有人陪
太多人追 又太會拒絕
何必 因為一點寂寞 就要跟誰道歉毀失禮怪
別人太沒有眼光 有點不太營養
算了吧 我發誓我無法抗拒
全世界都在戀愛 You're only lonely
那你說我該怎麼辦 You're only lonely
不要再說lonely 因為你是One and only
打發時間 其實很Easy
來點嘻哈 讓心情變得Sunny
天天轟趴 流連網咖 會不會太Crazy
打起精神 不要Lazy
我做你的 你做我的Baby, Yes my lady
都怪我話不太會說 不能逗妳開心
別人都在戀愛 You're only lonely
那你說我該怎麼辦 You're only lonely